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Grady White

Hamilton, Bermuda       November 2, 2016
Along with highest customer satisfaction, safety, quality, reliability and countless awards, Grady-White’s exclusive SeaV2 hull performance has been ranked #1 in each of the eight J. D. Power Associates Marine Studies ever done.

Truth is, boat length for boat length, there is no ride like Grady-White’s. No other brand offers you anything like the benefits of this clearly superior design. The SeaV2 is a “continuously variable vee” hull that delivers a soft and stable ride. Unlike other brands, a SeaV2 hull design has no two places on the keel where the deadrise is the same. The vee continuously sharpens from the transom to the bow stem. A SeaV2 hull with 20 degrees of deadrise at the transom will have around 30 degrees amidships—more than even the most radical older deep vee designs. The deeper vee forward means a softer ride at sea. Less vee at the transom coupled with wide chines provide stability at rest and when trolling.

For more detailed model information visit

For availability, contact the local dealer directly using the information below:
AP Marine is located at 7 Addendum Lane, Hamilton, Bermuda
Phone: (441) 295-3333

Boat Details:

Dealer: AP Marine
Make: Grady White
Class: Power
Category: Center Console, Dual Console, Express
Length: 18ft - 37ft
Propulsion: Outboard
Hull Material: Fiberglass